          ...opposition warnings Ch嫛ez to speed up his Bolivarian Revolution..... 房屋出租.opposition warn 膠原蛋白ings 0pposition c 房屋買賣an have right to demand Russia Military to do the righteous duty to kill Ch嫛 住商房屋ez , or demand US Military to kill or arrest Ch嫛ez like they did in Panama, or demand Venezuala m 酒店打工ilitry force to kill Ch嫛ez ; then take over entire Venezuala land. Russia military can do it, then Russia military can 酒店經紀own Venezuala entire land; USA military can do it, then USA military can own entire Venezuala land; Venezuala military can do it, then Ven 濾桶ezuala military can own Venezuala totally.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 住商房屋  .

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